My brand new Iphone 3GS from Digi

“Always the smarter choice” – the ever popular tagline from DiGi. I have seen their ads all around in TV, newspapers, highways and shopping malls but I never thought of switching to DiGi at all, since I was a loyal Maxis subscriber. Come to think of it, I have been loyal to Maxis for a good 10 years! That’s right! Ever since my first year in Uni! But alas, the temptation was too great when DiGi finally announced their plan for Iphone. I actually pre-registered for it, since there was no obligation to buy anyway, just to be one of the first to know the plans.

When the date came for me to collect my Iphone (1st of April 2010), I made sure it was no April’s Fool joke! *LOL* I went to 1 Utama with Saucer, and saw the huge booth set up in the Oval Concourse area, donned in none other than bright yellow colour! After going through the registration and payment process, I finally got my hands on the yellow bag! Love their campaign here: iWant – iGet – iGot!


My yellow bag

I chose the white colour Iphone 3GS, which came in a white box. Opening it with care and anticipation!


My new Iphone 3GS


Iphone 3GS in white

Being a pre-registered customer also has the perks! We were given a very nice FREE gift! A Case-Mate ‘barely there’ Iphone casing and screen protector! *woot* I was so happy! This was definitely the perfect gift! Why? Ask any Iphone users and they’d tell you that the first thing to get after buying the Iphone is the protector. The Iphone seems fragile and has such an awesome huge screen that we just can’t resist from protecting them. 🙂


Case-Mate Iphone casing

Without further ado, I ‘dressed’ my Iphone up with the new casing in bright yellow! “How do I look?” says the Iphone. 🙂


Iphone in yellow casing

Put on the screen protector in front too, which was quite a challenging task for me. Fortunately, I managed to stick it on without any errors. 🙂 Look how shiny it is!


Iphone with screen protector

Ever since then I have been busy downloading applications from the AppsStore. Not to mention adding all my email accounts too! Now I can check my emails on the go, Twit while I’m in the car (Saucer driving, not me of course :P), and check my blog whenever I like it! Such an awesome device.

Guess what happened a few days later? Saucer saw how obsessed I was with my Iphone that he couldn’t stop himself from getting one too! *LOL* But he has other uses with his Iphone though. Do you know what that is? He used it to bully me!!! *sob* One night when he was using his Iphone, he asked me to let him take a picture of him. I agreed and smiled into his Iphone camera. Little did I know, the mischievous him abused my picture in a game (Face Fighter)! Look at what he did to me!


Lionel vs Meiy in a showdown


Come on *punch*punch*




Oh no, got plaster on the forehead now


Argh, Meiy was defeated! With broken nose and plaster! *sob*

Was that funny? My goodness! When I first saw him playing with it, I couldn’t help myself from laughing, even though I was the poor victim inside. The Iphone is really brilliant! Now I know whose picture I should take to place this game – my enemies! *LOL* I’m sure it would provide me temporary relief whenever I want to release my anger! 🙂


My brand new Iphone from DiGi – I feel Smarter already 🙂

30 thoughts on “My brand new Iphone 3GS from Digi

  1. Caroline says:

    OMG! Dats real funny!!!! i can’t stop laughing dy! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    .-= Caroline´s last blog ..My Chubby Cutie Friend! =-.


  2. claire says:

    yoooo… so canggih la, dont let my son see this.. he will lau hau sui.. and then my life will never be the same again.. will pester me like mad.. hahahaa… no la..i was exaggerating… he wanted to have one.. but not now, wait till mama here saves up some money first, by then, maybe the iphone will turun sikit.. hopefully!
    .-= claire´s last blog ..ViVa, We Welcome You.. =-.


  3. mnhl says:

    When I saw one of my relative has it, I was also dreaming to get one la. But a bit pricey for the monthly charges. How’s the speed (Digi?). Hopefully the price will come down in future? haha……Nice gadget.
    .-= mnhl´s last blog ..My Blog goes GREEN =-.


  4. J2Kfm says:

    Don’t have doubts. For media capabilities, SURFING, and such, iPhone rocks!
    Hehehe … I’m such a fan. Sadly I bought before the Digi one came out.


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